Since I reviewed the Fitbit Sense I have had it attached to my wrist basically ever since. It is an absolutely fantastic watch with some extraordinary features and a good battery life. The only issue is that $450 is a lot of money to spend on a watch. Even if that watch is filled to the brim with features.\u00a0\u00a0
If only there was another watch with a lot of these premium features but with a lower price tag. Oh hello Fitbit <\/a>Charge <\/a>5<\/em>, when did you walk in the room?<\/p>\n\n\n\n
The first question will be your personal style. I definitely like the chunkiness of the Fitbit Sense, it has that classic Smart Watch style. Though it is hard to deny that the sleek look of the Charge isn\u2019t appealing. The smooth line as your eyes follow the band to the watch back to the band is pretty awesome.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
This watch will appeal to different people in different ways and I can\u2019t tell you your style is wrong. I mean I am a dad rocking the sneans combo with a Last of Us T-Shirt so who am I to judge? The watch\u2019s interface is built beautifully to use within limited space so have no fear, the loss of real estate isn\u2019t lost when using the device.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
If my stubby fingers can use it, then you\u2019ll be sweet.<\/p>\n\n\n\n