There are a lot of gamers out there with nice fancy headsets that will tell you it makes the experience better.\u00a0 I was one of those monsters that used cheap earbuds plugged into my controller for years, so could a wireless headset convert me?\u00a0 The Sennheiser GSP 370 <\/em>decided to show me what I have been missing out on for years with its wireless amazingness.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
To see what the user experience was like I pulled the headset and the dongle out of the box and plugged it in to my PS4 to see how easy it was to start up. Surprisingly this stuff has become so streamlined that as soon as I turned on the headset with the flick of a button the sound kicked in. Easy right?<\/p>\n\n\n\n
It took a little more time to install on my PC, and by that I mean it did its install for a few seconds with no prompting by me and it was time to boogie with my wireless headset.\u00a0 By boogie I of course mean shoot the swarm in Gears Tactics\u2026 but that went without saying.<\/p>\n\n\n\n